Helena Mushili O’Neill

An ancient history graduate (MPhil, Cambridge 2006) with a long-range perspective on the Bronze Age roots of our present-day challenges, a student of mindfulness, INFJ, Enneagram two, natural-born optimiser and super-connector of ideas and people, Helena O’Neill understands the littleness, the hugeness of now.

In this brief Anthropocene instant on our evolutionary timeline, humans have the power to transform both nature and culture to our benefit or detriment. Neither our problems nor their solutions are permanent - our true challenge is to keep adapting to and improving our changing context.

Relentlessly inquisitive and pragmatically optimistic, Helena draws upon a wealth of knowledge and tools to help you iterate an implement your best ever vision, team and projects and contribute to the systemic change this planet urgently needs, including:

  • Managing Successful Programmes (MSP) Practitioner

  • Association of Project Management Project Management Qualification (PMQ)

  • PRINCE2 Practitioner

To solidify her experience delivering people management projects including talent recruitment and retention, Helena’s next challenge in 2024 is undertaking experience-based assessment for membership of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD), a valued opportunity to reflect on the last five years of her 15 year career. Helena loves helping organisations build a strong and supportive culture.

Helena has also trained as a PADI Divemaster with 350+ scuba dives, mental health social worker, RYT200 yoga teacher and has an ITEC diploma in massage. A CELTA qualified English teacher, she speaks fluent Greek and Spanish, the ambiguity of the word ahorita inspiring the name Little Now.

Born to Irish and Zambian parents, Helena has lived in 12 countries and visited 55, many solo. She has adapted to contexts as diverse as NGOs, Buddhist monasteries, inner city social services departments, big four accounting firms, international summer schools, tech startups and accelerators, and the world’s second-largest public health service.

She brings a demonstrable aptitude for learning new subjects, plus a holistic approach to connecting skilfully and inclusively using techniques like systems thinking, appreciative inquiry, motivational interviewing and human-centred design, expertly enabling individual, team and systemic progress.

Helena works with trusted, talented consultant partners to fulfil service needs you may have beyond programme or project management, business change, people or operations management, communications, or recruitment.